This is a fun miniature banner with colorful pennant flags that you can make as decoration for your curio cabinet, miniature dollhouse, or diorama. It’s a very simple pattern but having this on hand really makes life easier. So here we go:
You will need:
- Felt for the flags
- Bakers twine or other cotton string to make the banner.
- Sewing needle
- Embroidery thread
- Scissors
- Fabric disappearing ink pen or fabric pencil or chalk

1. Choose one of the flag sizes above for your banner and cut out the pattern.
2. Pick out different colors of felt to use for making your flags.

3. Decide how long you want your banner to be and unwind the baker’s twine or string to your desired length.
But don’t cut the string at this point. I usually wait until I’ve attached all the flags, this way I won’t run the risk of cutting my twine too short.

4. Place the pattern piece on a piece of felt and use a fabric marker to trace the pattern.

5. Then cut out the flag. Repeat this step on each of your felt colors until you have enough flags to make a banner long enough to suit your needs.

6. Time to sew on the flags. Wrap the first flag around the bakers twine by folding the flag piece in half so that it looks like a triangle.

7. Hand sew the flag in place along the bottom two edges. Try to sew the twine to the banner at the top as you go. This helps prevent the flag from sliding around on the string later.

8. Leave a small amount of space and then begin sewing on your second flag. How much space you leave between each flag is really a matter of preference but just make sure to try to keep the space between each flag consistent. Continue sewing on the flags until your banner is as long as you need.

9. Finish it off by cutting the string and tying a small knot at each end.

10. And you’re done!