How To Keep Your Crochet from Unravelling – Alternative Stitch Markers

When your in the middle of crocheting most of the time you stop periodically as you’re working. So what do you use to keep your place and stop your work from unravelling?

You can buy stitch markers online or in stores and they’re relatively inexpensive. They are also thrown in as a bonus sometimes when you buy crochet or knitting supplies. That’s actually how I got mine, I bought some crochet hooks on amazon and the stitch markers were included.

But, let’s face it, these things are tiny, and they’re bound to get lost from time to time especially if you have pets or kids. So here are some things you can use in a pinch or to save from buying more un-needed junk (and save money for really important things….like YARN!)

Paperclips will work. You don’t even have to unbend them just work them through the yarn to hang in place.

A different color yarn can be loosely tied on the loop you’re working on.

Dangling earrings that have a loop can be put on the end of the stitch you’re working on and cinched close. Although, fair warning, you may end up permanently damaging your earring. But if you’re out and about and need something quick, this might work.

Safety pins look suspiciously like the popular plastic stitch markers people commonly use today and would work just as well if they were the traditional sharp kind.

A key ring would work especially if it was the kind that unlatches. However, key rings that make you slide the key around the edge may end up ruining your yarn.

I’m sure there are probably a million more ideas for DIY stitch markers since just about anything you can wrap around the yarn and keep the loop from disappearing will work.